Implementation information

Here you will find information about the different messages for EDI.

Invoice message types:

There are three different message types for invoice: APNAP, and Freight.
For more information click on the specific invoice message types below.

Automotive Products (AP)

Non Automotive Products (NAP)


Useful information

In the useful info section you will find general information about electronic messages, e.g. Global EDIFACT messages templates, the conditions for EDI invoicing, Volvo Codes and Addresses and a guide to the WebChecker.
Volvo requires their suppliers to use the WebChecker, a validation tool available on-line, before sending any test files to the implementation team.

Useful information

Invoice message type

Automotive Products (AP)

AP is a standard for products used in the assembly process in the automotive industry.


Volvo is using the D03A and D07A versions (Global standard) of the Edifact INVOIC message.
For detailed information regarding segments and elements, see the Global Invoice AP specifications.

Please be aware that NOT ALL Volvo Group plants support D07A invoices.
For more information, please see the news section.


For available version of the ANSI X12 810 message (used by suppliers/partners in North America), see the specification for the concerned Volvo plant.

In the Useful information section below there are links to documents regarding "VolvoCodes and Addresses", Vat category code, WebChecker, etc.
The Template provides an example and an overview of the AP.

Invoice message type

Non Automotive Products (NAP)

NAP is a standard for parts used outside the assembly process. e.g. Services and office supplies.


Volvo is using the D03A and D07A versions (Global standard) of the Edifact INVOIC message.

For detailed information regarding segments and elements, see the Global Invoice NAP specifications:

Please be aware that NOT ALL Volvo Group plants support D07A invoices.
For more information, please see the news section.


For available version of the ANSI X12 810 NAP message (used by suppliers/partners in North America), see the specification for the concerned Volvo plant.

For NAP invoice implementation please complete the NAP request form:

NAP invoice implementation request form

Invoice message type


Freight invoice concerns Transport Services for AB Volvo. Freight Invoice is a subset called SMSI Swedish Multi Sector Invoice which is based on the Edifact message standard. There are two standards; one present D93 and one new D03 which is a Global standard. For new implementation this Global standard will be required and for the present suppliers using D93 standard a migration is necessary to D03.

More details regarding segments and elements is to be found in the Specification for Global Freight Invoice:

Global Freight Invoice specifications

In the Useful information section below there are links to documents regarding "Volvo Codes and Addresses", Vat category code, WebChecker, etc. The Template provides an example and an overview of the Global Freight Invoice.

As of September 1 2008 WebFreight Invoices for Volvo Logistics will be in the Global format. This means that the invoice layout will have a somewhat changed appearance. Please check the manual for Global WebFreight Invoices under WebEDI.

Useful information


In this document, you will find information about:

Volvo Group entities that are enabled for EDI and the practical data such as addresses for buyers, shipping locations, and VAT numbers to be used for logistics and finance document flows. 

Volvo codes and addresses 

European regulation on Entry Certificate/Proof of Delivery:

Here You can find more detailed information and references on how and where to find requested data:

Confirmation of arrival (pdf, 360.1KB)

Letter - New European Regulation (pdf, 75.1KB)


Please address all questions to EDI Support

Phone: +46 31 662200


Or contact us via the Service request web form


Suffix for Volvo units using electronic messages:

Suffix document (xls, 136KB)

For suffix related questions or questions related to the above suffix document, please contact:


VAT (Value Added Tax):

Guideline for Tax Exemption Reason Codes (pdf, 86 KB)

Guidelines to support the implementation of Volvo Global Invoice specifications:

Calculation scheme of Global Invoice (doc, 69 KB)


Global Invoice D03A AP Template (pdf, 45 KB)

Global Invoice D03A NAP Template (pdf, 46 KB)

Global Invoice D03A AP - Non European Suppliers Template (pdf, 68 KB)


For detailed information about the different messages, learn more here:

Specifications & Guidelines

Contact EDI Support

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