Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ grouped after topic:






Yes, OFTPv2 is the appointed communication method with Volvo. Please read more at EDI communication setup.

No, Volvo does not support ENX (European Network Exchange).

We kindly ask you to turn to your Volvo purchase contact person if you want to establish EDI with Volvo.

Volvo uses TLS line security (session encryption only) and the validation is done against Root CA Certificates. That means that your certificate is NOT stored at Volvo and in turn you should NOT store Volvo's server certificate on your side. You should store the Root CA Certificates needed to verify the chain of Volvo's server certificate. In most cases this means the Root CA Certificate of Verisign. In some cases storing the Verisign Intermediate certificate might be needed as well.

Please read more at EDI communication setup.

Please contact EDI Support by filling out the service request web form.


You will need a web browser with 128 bits cipher strength to be able to use Volvo's Supplier Portal.

Supported browsers for use of WebEDI application:

  • Google Chrome (the most recent version is recommended)
  • Edge (the most recent version is recommended)
  • Mozilla Firefox (the most recent version is recommended) 

If you are using a different browser, the application may still work, however we cannot guarantee correct behavior of all features.

  • The Despatch advices will be available in the "Sent" folder for 90 days.
  • The invoices will be available in the "Sent" folder for 150 days. 
  • Orders will be available in the "Sent" folder for 180 days. 
    • Except for TSE orders, which are hold in the database for 150 days starting from 'order date'. 
    • 'EBD' orders are hold for 365 days. After that time they are automatically being deleted.

Technical documents are kept for 21 days. Information about the files are kept 21 days on database.

This information can be found at the WebEDI page.


Yes. The buttons “print labels” and “print master label” are available in the despatch advice under “sent” folder.

Most errors can be solved by using the Specifications & Guidelines section.

Please go through the actual error message sent. If this does not give sufficient information needed to fix the problem, then please contact our support.

Please contact the materials controller at the affected Volvo Plant so that they know that the goods is on the way, if a copy should normally go to Volvo Group Logistics for counting off the pallets, please also let them know.


The credit note might be sent in the following formats:

• EDIFACT D07A - for suppliers who send their invoices to Volvo in this way

• Paper/pdf format -  for the rest of the suppliers

For invoice payment questions, we kindly ask You to visit the VVI portal. Please log in to VVI, search the invoice  and create the ticket.
More info at Purchase to pay - Contact center

* Support.edi does not assist with the payment questions. This team assists only with WEBEDI/EDI issues related.

Most errors can be solved by using the specifications under the link "Specifications & Guidelines". Please go through the actual message sent.

If this does not give sufficient information needed to fix the problem, then please contact EDI Support by filling out the service request web form.

If the currency of the invoice is another than the company official accounting currency (in Sweden SEK and EUR are accepted), it is an obligation to state VAT amount in both currencies - not only in invoicing currency, but also VAT amount in the official accounting currency. In these cases it is also an obligation to include the applied currency conversion rate.

Company Parts AB established in Sweden has SEK as official accounting currency. An invoice is issued in EUR to a Swedish customer. EUR will then be the invoicing currency and SEK the home currency. In this case the VAT amount has to be mentioned in both currencies and the currency conversation rate must also be mentioned

The supplier has always to include the number of decimals actually used in the calculation operation, but the maximal number of decimals characters is limited to 5.

Due to the VAT rules in different countries companies within the Volvo Group have been VAT registered. When a company is VAT registered in a foreign country there is a need for a VAT agent/representative. The VAT agent is someone who takes care of some obligations as follows from the VAT registration.

In the new invoicing rules within EC it is always required to relate a zero rate VAT to a legal reason. This is done by means of a code list developed by the Odette organisation in Europe. The possible code values can be found in a compilation accessible under the "Useful information" section at EDI Implementation information.

When Volvo created the specifications regarding Global Invoice, Volvo tried to establish easy applied rules regarding VAT agent (and VAT number). The decided rule is to always give information of the VAT number for the legal Buyer and the legal Seller. In case Volvo uses a VAT agent (e.g. Volvo Parts for deliveries to Belgium), it is mandatory to give the VAT number for the VAT agent in addition to the VAT number of the Buyer. To catch the adequate VAT number, please study our guidelines available at EDI Implementation information.

Suppliers can find the information about the requirements for the test invoices at: Specification& Guidelines and also at Volvo Codes & Addresses document.

Volvo has published a "Global Invoice calculation scheme"(word document, 0.069Mb) describing how all the amounts of an invoice ought to be calculated. This scheme is accessible under "Useful information" at EDI Implementation information.

Most questions can be answered by using the specifications under the link "Specifications & Guidelines". Please go through the actual message sent.

If this does not give sufficient information needed to fix the problem, then please contact EDI Support by filling out the service request web form.

Yes. Please study adequate template examples found under "Useful information" at EDI Implementation information.

Volvo has never requested encryption of any kind regarding invoices. Neither have we had any intention to demand that. We regard this as not necessary; the quality in our internal process is good enough. The legislation in Sweden is technology neutral and it is up to the companies to choose the means that they find necessary in order to cater for a secure handling of incoming invoices. Nor will we require an additional paper document.

If the supplier for local reasons would like to attach an electronic signature to the Global Invoice message, this is acceptable, as long as the supplier keeps the format readable and not encrypted.

In the Volvo profiles of Global Invoice, Volvo has as briefing included information related to Self Billing Invoicing (SBI). This SBI concept has been discussed a lot during the recent years within the Automotive Industry. For the moment, Volvo has no intention of implementing SBI, but will in the future study the concept thoroughly and decide the conditions for use.

Appointed version for EDI INVOICE is EDI INVOICE D07A - Implementation guideline. For now, some plants still can only handle the D03A Invoices, so please be sure that you always check the latest version in VOLVO Codes and Addresses where you can find the current status of all messages for all Volvo entities.: Useful information

For invoice payment questions, we kindly ask You to visit the VVI portal.
More info at Purchase to pay - Contact center

* Support.edi does not assist with the payment questions. This team assists only with WEBEDI/EDI issues related.

For invoice payment questions, we kindly ask You to visit the VVI portal. Please log in to VVI, search the invoice  and create the ticket.
More info at Purchase to pay - Contact center

* Support.edi does not assist with the payment questions. This team assists only with WEBEDI/EDI issues related.

If your company is already enabled to send electronic invoices to individual Volvo units, PDF invoices will not be accepted for that Volvo unit. However, you can continue to send PDF invoices for the Volvo units for which you haven't yet established EDI or WebEDI connections.

For invoice payment questions, we kindly ask you to address your issue to: Purchase to pay - Contact center.

For invoice payment questions, we kindly ask you to address your issue to: Purchase to pay - Contact center.

Please go to: > MY BUSINESS > VVI Viewing Vendor Invoices (VVI)

On the supplier portal you will have the ability to retrieve information such as:

  • Invoice status Payment
  • Check information
  • Goods Receipt information
  • Debit information

If you have any further questions, please contact: Purchase to pay - Contact center

Please address your purchase contact person at Volvo.

For AP invoice: Please address your purchase contact person at Volvo.

For NAP invoice: Please use our NAP implementation request form

Please take the "WebEDI e-learning" and read the WebEDI user manual available at WebEDI.

Please contact both your purchase contact person at Volvo, and EDI Support team by submitting the service request web form.

For invoice payment questions, please contact: Purchase to pay - Contact center.

You can find information about Suffices for Volvo units using electronic messages in this document: suffix document (Excel, 0.162MB)
The document is available under "Useful information" at EDI Implementation information.

For further suffix related questions we kindly ask you to contact Purchase to pay - Contact center or your purchase contact person at Volvo.

Please address you purchase contact person at Volvo.

Information abut VAT rate and VAT category can be found in the WebEDI user manual available at WebEDI.

Information about VAT number for Volvo units using electronic messages, can be found in this document: Volvo codes and addresses (Excel document, 0.084Mb)
The document is available under "Useful information" at EDI Implementation information.

For further questions, please address your purchase contact person at Volvo.

Please address your purchase contact person at Volvo.

Please contact EDI Support by filling out the service request web form.

If you are unable to login to the Volvo Group Supplier Portal, or If you are unable to to login to the WebEDI application under MY BUSINESS at the Volvo Group Supplier Portal.

Please send an e-mail to USE Services ( Please write in English and include your supplier id, user id and name and request a new password.

Contact EDI Support

We are here to help