Specifications & Guidelines


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N.B.! Test Indicator
Volvo uses the Edifact test indicator in UNB 0035 for all test files to and from Volvo. Make sure to verify that you currently do no send test indicator in UNB 0035 in any production files, otherwise they will not reach the final destination. Files marked with TEST in UNB 0026 will not be handled, i.e. deleted.

Find the UNB specification under specifications/general in a document called "Application of ISO/edifact and OFTP.

Due to legal demands and need of more information EDIFACT D07A invoice is the appointed version which should be setup, if possible, for all new implementations.

For now, some plants can only handle the D03A Invoices, so please be sure that you always check the latest version in VOLVO Codes and Addresses where you can find the current status of all messages for all Volvo entities.. 

EDI Credit note is possible to be used only with D07A version.


Please remember also that if you are during the migration from D03A to D07A you are obliged to continue sending D03A invoices until the time when you have a clear information about the switch from D03A to D07A.



Automotive Products

Message versionDescriptionIssue Date
INVOIC D07A (PDF, 0.843MB) Appointed for new implementations* Global INVOIC AP2019-08-15
INVOIC D07A implementation guideline (PDF, 441.2KB)Guidelines & message examples AP2024-05-15
INVOIC D03A (PDF, 0.948MB)Global INVOIC AP rev 062013-08-21

* For now, some plants still can only handle the D03A Invoices, so please be sure that you always check the latest version in VOLVO Codes and Addresses where you can find the current status of all messages for all Volvo entities.

Non-automotive Products

Message versionDescriptionIssue Date
INVOIC D07A (PDF, 0.879MB) - Appointed for new implementations* Global INVOIC NAP2019-08-15
INVOIC D07A implementation guideline (PDF, 0.347MB)Guidelines & message examples NAP2021-03-06
INVOIC D03A (PDF, 0.984MB)Global INVOIC NAP rev 052013-08-21

* For now, some plants still can only handle the D03A Invoices, so please be sure that you always check the latest version in VOLVO Codes and Addresses where you can find the current status of all messages for all Volvo entities.


Message versionDescriptionIssue Date
INVOIC D03A (PDF, 0.548MB)Global FREIGHT INVOICE2008-07-01

Truck Shop Europe

Message versionDescriptionIssue Date
INVOIC D03A (PDF, 0.433MB)Truck Shop INVOIC2012-10-01

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